This game has struggled now for over a year with failed updates, hacks, and errors on the developers part. Perhaps the single worst feature of this program is the communication system, like most multiplayer games it relies on people being able to talk but this is by far the worst ever. There is a simple method of bypassing the censor system by inserting a | after the first character of any word. It is also moderated by users who also play so it is so biased that most servers do not last even 3 months. I have played dozens of games similar you this but there is no translator and you can create an account and see the countless failed servers, you will spend money and then it is wasted after only a few weeks. A moderator there named lùthienn has decided that my username LsrRyn does not stand for LaserRyan and it has now cost me 40 pearls or about $4 to even get to play. The Server is World25 and if you spend an hour looking around you will find a dozen better games out there.
Ace112bad about Spartan Wars: Empire of Honor for Tango